Title of the side event
Reparatory Justice for Afrodescendants (descendants of enslaved Africans) Date, time and time zone of side event
Saturday April 12, 2025, at 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ESTSponsoring organization(s) or entity/ies
All for Reparations and Emancipation (AFRE); Afrodescendant Nation (ADN)Language(s) in which the side event will be held
EnglishDescription of the side event This event explores the lasting impact of slavery on
identity and the need for its restoration among the descendants of enslaved Africans. Enslavers stripped Africans of their names, languages, and cultural ties to enforce control and suppress resistance. This erasure disrupted unity, self-worth, heritage, and generational connections.
Reclaiming our global identity as Afrodescendants is essential for rebuilding a shared sense of belonging, pride, and purpose. By embracing this identity, we can foster unity and work toward self-determination. Join us in this critical conversation on reclaiming identity and collective action towards reparatory justice.
Location of the side event (or website for registration, for events held online).
Zoom Webinar registration link belowFor online events, kindly ensure to send the connection link to facilitate participants’ access.
https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_L5XcNG0hTAmCw9QOvVXE0gName and email address of the lead organizer (and permission to publish the lead organizer’s contact details)
Ishmael Abdul-Salaam, Lead Organizer
CEO, All for Reparations and Emancipation (AFRE)
ishmael.abdulsalaam@gmail.comWeblink for any further informationhttps://www.allforreparations.com/