
Welcome to the draft programme of work for the fourth session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent

This page provides detailed information about the main sessions and side events, including times, locations, and speakers

For any questions or further information, please feel free to contact the Permanent Forum Secretariat at pfpad@un.org

Wednesday April 16, 2025 3:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Panel #4: Artificial intelligence and digital justice for people of African descent

The panel will take place on Wednesday 16 April from 15:00 to 18:00.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly shaping critical aspects of modern life, including surveillance, employment, education, law enforcement, healthcare, data collection and analysis. Despite its potential to promote human dignity, AI often inherits biases from the data it processes, leading to discriminatory outcomes. For people of African descent, this presents a significant challenge, as they are frequently underrepresented or misrepresented in the datasets that inform AI systems. This results in the perpetuation of stereotypes and the deepening of racial disparities. Black women have long highlighted the dangers of digital misogynoir, an intersectional form of bias that combines racism and sexism, targeting Black women specifically. This underscores the need for a more inclusive and representative approach to AI development.

AI also offers the potential for positive change, particularly in the collection and analysis of disaggregated data, which could be instrumental in monitoring and addressing racial disparities. However, ensuring this data is used ethically and effectively requires the establishment of robust ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks to ensure that data is used responsibly and equitably. Existing legal frameworks, such as the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination’s General Recommendation 36, emphasizes the importance of preventing racial discrimination in AI applications and highlight the need for transparency, accountability, and human rights due diligence to mitigate the adverse impacts of algorithmic bias.

This panel will explore the dual role of AI as both a tool for advancing digital justice and a technology that can perpetuate and even deepen racial inequalities. It will examine the challenges, opportunities, and necessary actions to ensure AI contributes to a more equitable future for people of African descent.
avatar for Pastor Murillo

Pastor Murillo

Member of the Permanent Forum
Wednesday April 16, 2025 3:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Conference Room 4, UN Headquarters 405 E 45th St, New York, NY 10017, United States

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